Saturday, December 8, 2007


This semester has flown by! I feel almost like I have just sat and watched this last 5 months instead of actually live it. I feel so blessed to be where I am now and my family has been such a huge part of it. I honestly don't know where I would be without the love of my family. I owe everything to them.

First of all, I think I have the most wonderful mother in the world. I honestly don't even know how she put up with me for the last 19 years. Through all the knock down drag out fights we have had, she continues to still love me. She is such a trooper and such a stong woman. She has always loved me no matter what and I know she always will. I am so greatful for my relationship with her, even though sometimes I don't show it. She does everything she can to provide my family and I all that we need, no matter what the cost. She always fights for the underdog and loves everyone the way they should be loved. She is the biggest influence in my life and I would be nothing without her.

My Daddy, he is so loving. He works so many hours to make sure we have food in our belly and a roof over our head. He sacrifices his time to work, all day long, so that we can have nice things. He cares for the ones who are less popular and weak. He will always stand by you, no matter what wrong you have done. He is a great example of Jesus, the way he forgives and tries to help people though thier tough times. I have messed up SO many times. But for some reason he always takes my side and loves me throughout everything. He is the perfect example of someone who is so humble and he is a great man of God. He is an amazing leader of our family and a wonderful husband to my mother.

Both of my parents have worked their entire lives. Everything they own they have worked hard for. They have done everything in the world to provide everything my brother and I need, and try their hardest to give us everything we want. I didn't grow up getting all the newest toys and clothes, my parents could not afford them. I got hand-me-downs and thrift store toys. No I wasn't spoiled or rich... If you wanna call it that. I was rich in a different kind of way. Now that I look back on it, none of those fancy toys or clothes really mattered. What would they do for me now? What really mattered was the love and friendship my parents gave me.

No, my parents didn't graduate from college, no they didn't have a lot of money to spend on us, and they don't have the best high paying jobs. My parents went a different route. They fell in love at a young age, and realized that family was more important than all of that stuff. No, my parents are not perfect, but they sure do try their best to be, and they are perfect to me.

I am so greatful to be blessed with the wonderful family that I do have. I look up to everything that my parents are and only hope to be like them someday. They are the most amazing people I know and they have raise two children the very best they could, and that is amazing.

I only hope and pray that someday I can be a succesful person and buy them a house or a car or something. It's only a small amount of what I can repay them. Yeah that would be nice. But really, I know that is not what they want at all. The definition of succesful for them is not having a lot of money. It is trying your best at everything you do. It is running after God's own heart and taking every step necessary to further His kingdom and give Him glory for everything.

I am going to try my very hardest to do everything I can to make them proud of me. I am going to work my butt off to make good grades in college and I AM going to be a succesful person. Someday I am going to be an amazing wife like my mother and I am going to care for a family like my father, and through all that, further God's kingdom to honor Him for blessing me with the most amazing parents.

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