Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hello friends... I know, I know, I haven't posted in forever and I am really sorry about that. Life has been crazy and hectic with the start of a new semester and life for me has changed dramatically in the last month. As I said goodbye to Duncan, God has opened the door to me in Edmond.

I have started my first year at UCO. I transfered, thats a huge change. It is way cheaper for me to go to UCO. I live in apartment by myself (I hope to find a roomate soon!) and really enjoy it! I have FOUR, yes four, jobs, and I am a full time student. My life is crazy, and sooo busy. I am praying for less bussiness lately. I need more time with God and more time with people. God is great though. Everyday is a new and beautiful day! More posts to come, I promise! I just wanted to apoligize for not posting in a while! I will soon when I have some time, ooh..and a laptop.

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